
Functional Genomics

Chromatin Structure Analysis


Analyze data to determine chromatin accessibility and protein-DNA interactions.

Version 1.0.3

Use Cases

This workflow analyzes data to determine chromatin accessibility and protein-DNA interactions

Summary and Methods

ChIP-seq, ATAC-seq, STARR-seq, Cut and Tag, and Cut and Run are all techniques used in molecular biology to analyze protein-DNA interactions or chromatin accessibility. While they share some similarities, they differ in their mechanisms, applications, and data outputs. Click the toggles below to learn more.

ChIP-seq (Chromatin Immunoprecipitation sequencing)
ATAC-seq (Assay for Transposase-Accessible Chromatin using sequencing)
STARR-seq (Self-Transcribing Active Regulatory Region sequencing)
Cut and Tag (Cleavage Under Targets and Tagmentation)
Cut and Run (Cleavage Under Targets and Release Using Nuclease)

The Chromatin Structure Analysis workflow can be used to process all of the above experiments. Click the toggles below to learn more about each analysis type within this workflow.




Cut and Tag

Cut and Run



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Results Walkthrough


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Epigenomics: DNA Methylation Detection


Determine patterns of methylation in bisulfite sequencing applications and determine methylation events and frequencies for ONT-based assemblies.

Version 0.0.4

Use Cases

  • Determine patterns of methylation in Bisulfite-Seq applications
  • Calculate methylation events and frequencies for ONT-based assemblies

Summary and Methods

This workflow is designed to explore methylation patterns in DNA, either with (i) bisulfite sequencing application or (ii) Oxford Nanopore data. The user will select which workflow they wish to run and provide input files containing sequences of interest. The user will receive as output an analysis regarding patterns of methylation in the files.

Reduced Representation Bisulfite Sequencing (RRBS)

Oxford nanopore sequencing technology (ONT)



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Nucleotide Sequence Optimization


Perform various nucleotide optimizations and gather information on a nucleotide sequence of interest. Currently, three functions are supported: Gene Sequence Optimization to optimize codons and folding energies, Predict RNA/DNA 2D/3D Structure to ascertain the structure of a sequence at a given temperature, and Predict Splice Sites to locate potential splice sites in an optimized nucleotide sequence.

Version 1.0.7

Use Cases

  • Perform codon optimization on nucleotide sequences and get information on CpG islands within the structure
  • Determine splice sites in a sequence
  • Determine how a nucleotide sequence will fold under given circumstances

Summary and Methods

This workflow is designed to help the user perform various optimizations and gather information on a nucleotide sequence of interest. Currently, three functions are supported: Gene Sequence Optimization, to optimize codons and folding energies, Predict RNA/DNA 2D Structure to ascertain the structure of a sequence at a given temperature, and Predict Splice Sites to locate potential splice sites in an optimized nucleotide sequence. Click the toggles below to learn more about each function.

Gene Sequence Optimization

Predict RNA/DNA 2D Structure

Predict Splice Sites



Runtime Estimates

Average = 42 minutes


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Results Walkthrough


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Expression Analysis in RNASeq


This workflow can be used to determine gene expression, splice variants and differential expression analysis.

Version 1.1.1

Use Cases

  • Determine differentially expressed genes between two or more groups of samples (treated vs untreated, knock-out vs wildtype, cell type A vs cell type B)
  • Determine differentially expressed transcripts between two or more groups of samples
  • Compare the gene expression profiles of samples

Summary and Methods

This workflow is designed to help the user thoroughly analyze RNA sequencing data. Currently, two functions are supported: Full Analysis and Recalculate Statistics. Both functions include the option to specify whether the data include Human Cancer Samples. Click the toggles below to learn more about each function.

Full Analysis

Recalculate Statistics

Human Cancer



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Results Walkthrough


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Single-Cell Analysis


Analyze single-cell RNASeq data using 10X assays.

Version 1.0.0

Use Cases

  • Determine clustering, differential expression, and annotation of cells in a single-cell experiment
  • Create a H5AD file to allow for visualization using CellxGene


Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) analysis enables researchers to address a wide range of biological questions related to cellular heterogeneity, gene expression dynamics, and cell state transitions. Single-cell RNASeq analysis can be used to (i) identify and classify distinct cell types within a heterogeneous tissue or organism; (ii) infer cellular lineages and developmental trajectories, providing insights into cell fate decisions and differentiation processes; (iii) reveal transitions between different cellular states, such as quiescent to activated states or stem cell to differentiated states; (iv) identify co-expressed gene modules and the inference of regulatory networks within specific cell types or states; (v) elucidate the molecular basis of diseases by identifying dysregulated genes, cell types, or signaling pathways associated with specific conditions; (vi) study immune cell populations and their responses in various contexts, including infection, cancer, and autoimmune diseases; and (vii) analyze gene expression patterns within intact tissue samples by combining scRNA-seq with spatial transcriptomics techniques.


The workflow is designed to analyze single-cell RNASeq data. Read files are generated by demultiplexing sequence run files with blc2fastq [1]. Sequence reads are mapped and genes are counted using CellRanger. Expression profiles are used to annotate and cluster cells using Seurat [2], SingleCellTK [3], SingleR [4] and CellDX [4]. SingleCellTK is an R package that integrates several existing tools and workflows for single-cell analysis including (i) data loading and preprocessing such as cell filtering, normalization, and log-transformation; (ii) quality control and outlier detection; (iii) dimensionality reduction and clustering with methods like PCA, t-SNE, and uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP) for dimensionality reduction and hierarchical clustering or density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) for clustering; and (iv) visualization with scatter plots, heatmaps, and gene expression trajectories. Annotations are only available for Human or Mouse samples using the Human Protein Cell Atlas [5] or a mouse RNASeq dataset [6].



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Results Walkthrough


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Genomic Variant Analysis


Identify single-nucleotide variants (SNVs), indels, and structural variants in a diploid genome resequencing projects by comparison to a reference genome.

Version 1.6.1

Use Cases

  • Determine variants in DNA samples compared to a reference genome including single nucleotide variants (SNVs), insertions, deletions and structural variants
    • Germline Variant Calling
    • Variant Calling in Ancient DNA
    • Somatic Mutation Detection
  • Determine variants in DNA samples compared to a custom reference genome for small or synthetic genomes
    • Plasmid
    • Virus
    • Bacteria
    • Synthetic Genome
  • Sequencing Platform supported include Illumina, Pacbio and Oxford Nanopore (ONT)

Summary and Methods

This workflow is designed to help the user determine variants in DNA samples when compared to a reference genome. Currently, four different input DNA datatypes are supported: Germline (Diploid)Ancient DNASmall Genomes (Viral/Prokaryotic/Synthetic), and Somatic (Human Cancer). Workflows can be run either with Parabricks, Sentieon or native open-source tools (NOST). Click the toggles below to learn more about each supported dataype.

Germline (Diploid)

Ancient DNA

Small Genomes (Viral/Prokaryotic/Synthetic)

Somatic (Human Cancer)



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Results Walkthrough


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