Roles and Permissions

Roles and Permissions

Project and Organization Roles

Users can be members of Projects and/or Organizations.

Organization Roles:


Each organization only has a single Owner; they are able to perform all the actions an Admin or Member can do plus:

  • First User of Organization
  • Add / Remove Members from Organization
  • Set Users Roles , including Admin
  • View billing account & metrics (Marketplace)


  • Invite Members to Organization
  • Create Projects
  • Edit Project Names / Descriptions
  • Set User Member Roles on Projects


  • Can View all Projects they belong to
  • Can View all other members of an organization

Project Roles:


Can do everything an Editor and Viewer can do as well as:

User Administration

  • Add Organization Users to Projects
  • Invite external users to Projects
  • Remove Users from Projects
  • Change User Role in Projects


  • Delete any completed Workflow Run
  • Cancel any Workflow Runs
  • Retry any Workflow Runs

Form Bench

  • Can run all Form Bench Types

File Management

  • Can Delete Project Files /Folders


Can do everything a Viewer can do as well as:


  • Run Workflows
  • Upload Workflows
  • Delete user-run completed Workflows Run
  • Cancel user-run Workflow Runs
  • Retry user-run Workflow Runs

File Management

  • Can Create Files /Folders
  • Can Upload Files /Folders
  • Can Edit Files /Folders
  • Can Delete Workflow output Files /Folders
  • Can View Files /Folders in File Manager
  • Can Move Files/Folders
  • Can Download Files/Folders
  • Can Rename Files / Folders

Form Bench

  • Can run all Form Bench that don’t perform delete operations


User Administration

  • View Users in Projects

Project Interaction

  • Switch between Project(s)
  • View Project(s)


  • View Workflows Run
  • Read Workflow Runs (WF: Selection, Activity, Analysis)
  • Can View Workflow Output Files

Form Bench

  • Can run Form Bench that only perform read operations

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